Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Understanding the Transgender

Understanding the transgender community....what are your thoughts on the recent presentation at the Latino Men's Group?
Do we have all of the information about the transgender community or do need more?


Anonymous said...

I am a relative new-comer to the Mens Group, and I want to say that last night's meeting about transgender issues was very powerful and moving for me.The speakers were saying, I think, that they are in the midst of a unique journey, for which their life experiences had provided no strategies. Maybe making presentations such as to us might suggest one (strategy). At the end of the evening, I applauded their optimism, but I don't think I feel it myself. I really can't quite relate to the transgender world. But I appreciate their openness and generosity. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Voy a hacer eco a quienes quedaron impresionados con los dos trannys que nos hablaron. Nada mejor podria existir que las buenas relaciones entre todas personas. Es primordial la convivencia pacifica sobre todo con nuestros/as hermanos/as; entre mas cerca, mas dialogo y mutuo intercambio en pro del desarrollo personal: seria lo ideal. Aveces hay una complacencia o alguna forma de tapar las cosas y eso no nos ha hecho bien, como sociedad, como comunidad. Hay que decir las cosas como son.