Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Empowerment is about a new year...

How do we empower our selves as loves, professionals, friends, sons and family during 2008? What examples can you share with us?


Anonymous said...

Everyone in one way or another empowers someone to be more than they are. I am empowered daily to be a better student, a better lover and a better uncle/role model. In turn I do the same for others in my life. I tell my little brother to behave, do better in school, respect my aunt and give him tips on how to become a better man. I tell my friends to stay away from certain people, to look for a new job, or to go back to school.
Empowerment is everyones job, and we all have to do our share so that we can continue to better our lives.

Anonymous said...

We need to stop marginalizing ousrselves as a certain group of people and not be afraid to share our life experiences with others so we can create a healthier and loving community. Empowerment is about reaching out to those that can benefit from our life experiences. Happy New Year.