Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Alcohol and Substance Abuse

We have had a very detailed conversation about alcohol and drug use and abuse now for a few sessions. Knowing the topic this past Monday night, what did you learn and/or what did you want to learn?


Anonymous said...

The meeting on Monday was very informative and I enjoyed the presentation by Alejandro and Enrique. They touched on some subjects I know nothing about and I was able to learn a few things.
But I must say that my favorite part was Richards lecture toward the end of his segment.

Great Point!!
Lets Stop "Mind Fucking" Ourselves!

Anonymous said...

In reference to last Monday's short,and revealing discussion prior to the alcohol and drug statistics presentation, here's a quote I want to mention "Its in our nature to destroy ourselves".It is also in our hands how to avoid getting into addictions.I have dealt with past and present crucial and critical circumstances and I have always relied on my inner strength to help prevent me from dealing with further obsticles.Watching the movie "The Secret" has helped me identify with my inner strength.

gordongreg said...

This is nice article. would you please send some more informaton.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment