Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Your good qualities....

What are some of your good qualities that make you who you are?


Anonymous said...

PUNTOS DE MI PERSONALIDAD: Yo me considero muy extrovertido. Prefiero estar con otros. Me comunico abiertamente. Actuo con rapidez (en todo sentido je je). Evito todo procedimiento complicado. Me interesa ver resultados en mi trabajo. Me gusta la variedad en el trabajo. Tambien creo que soy muy realista porque me gusta trabajar con los hechos concretos de una situacion. Tengo buena memoria y me acuerdo de los detalles con exactitud. Siempre me pongo a atender a los detalles; se puede decir que ando con mucha constancia. No me gusta aventurarme en situaciones nuevas. Aveces dicen que no veo el cuadro completo. !Asi soy yo!

Anonymous said...

Well, since you ask, I think I am a reliable and trustworthy friend. I'd say I was thoughtful and somewhat serious, so I'm rarely rash in doing thigs. I definitely enjoy socializing but without being foolhardy. I'm a modest and conservative type who can be quite sensitive at times. So there! I really enjoyed the exercise that some got to do at this week's group. Two folks would pair up and extend their hands out toward the other without actually touching. The point was to feel the energy vibe being exchanged even without touching. I was disappointed that we all didn't get a chance to do it. I guess we ran out of time. There was a cool guy that I picked out that I wanted to do it with. I won't tell you who.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Tim got me thinking...I wonder who!
Anyways, great exercise. As for answering the question, I could only agree with that one guy that said something like, "Its easier for me to point out the weaknesses as oppose to strengths..."
I guess that's something I have to work on... :(