Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Power of You

How can you defind power? What power do you own? How can you become the powerful man you always wanted to be?


Anonymous said...


Well, I thought the discussion on Monday was very personal. I really liked the fact that we all had the chance to share one of our "issues" and it was okay to do so. I think that says a lot about our group and the comfort level of each and every guy present. To me that means that we are there to yes, socialize but also to do some work and take a look at ourselves and our fellow brothers objectively. The whole "penis size" question was so very personal and I was suprised that Richard even brought that up. However, I was even more suprised at how some of the group members were able to respond so honestly to their feelings as it pertained to their sexsual organs.

What a night!

"till next time....

Anonymous said...

Hi, and to Negro-13 I just want to say "What a liar you are!" JUST KIDDING HONEST, JUST KIDDING.(Check out the past blogs if you don't get it). ANYWAY my comment is that our discussion about power was somewhat complicated for me. We started out asking how learning about the transgendered can offer much insight if we don't know ourselves and our source of power to begin with. Then we were asked to claim ownership about some personal weakness of our own, and then share it with the group. (My choice was that I feel inhibited). After a rigorous inventory-taking of a wide range of concerns, the discussion focused on penis size,& circumsized vs noncircumsized, & the roles of top vs bottom. If it sounds bewildering, well, that's how the discussion went. I'm trying to remember what we reached as a concluding point of wisdom and insight, but it's not coming to me. I think I'll bring my confusion up at the next meeting. Will YOU be there? See ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone!
Tim...I understood. ^-^ (Hope everyone that reads "Shame, Sex and Sexuality" will also.)

Anonymous said...

Hola a todos(as). Siempre me pongo a participar en las discusiones de los diversos temas que se desatan entre los del Mens Group. Tenemos una organizacion (The Wall) muy dedicada a estudiar los detalles de nuestra comunidad y ofrecer ayuda y apoyo, siempre con la intencion de colaborar. Eso yo lo aprecio mucho. Doy un tributo a Richard Zaldivar, a su liderazgo, porque todos cosechamos los frutos de los esfuerzos de el. Acerca del tema de esta semana, el poder,voy a opinar lo siguiente: el poder es seductor y adquiere muchos disfraces en la defensa de sus intereses. No renuncia a ninguno de sus privilegios; conlleva lo que esta siempre en la mira de su ambicion ilimitada. Se trata de mucha vanidad. Bueno, esos son los pensamientos mios. ?Como los ven? Todos reciban un cordial saludo por parte mia.

Anonymous said...


LOL! That was funny! I love your sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.