Monday, July 23, 2007


What is love and how do we define it? Can we be in love with someone else, if we don't love ourselves? These are some of the issues we talked about tonight at the Latino Men's Group


Anonymous said...

I can't say that I know what this word means to all people but I can say that I now have a pretty good idea of what that word means to me. I see love as a state of being something that I am either in or out of. I was created by love and by the love of so many I am still here. However, the question still stands, What is Love? Well, to me love is being in total peace. Meeting up with mi espiritu y mi alma and realizing that I am whole. Love is letting all of my positive,hopeful,caring,good and "loving" thoughts and emotions shine through! I realized last night at the group that in order for my to truly love others I must be in love with myself continously and unconditionally. For me to really make an impact to really make my life count I must remain in love with myself. Only then will I be able to truly love others! This is a new realization and it is a big one! I have not been able to get this thought out of my head. I woke up this morning and I thougth about being in love with me. While on my way to work (driving) I thought about it as well and of course I am totally in tune with this thought at this very moment. I feel powerful when I feel in love with me. Nothing is missing, all is well. It is a great state of being.

'till next time....

Anonymous said...

Nobody can say what Love is.
Love is Subjective
Love is Sin
Love is Hurtful
Love is imagined
A Good imagination can get you to belive in what is not real.

Love is an Emotion
Emotions are for the weak
Weak people feel pain
Pain is Real
Love is not real for ME


Anonymous said...

I am back! I was happy to see that someone else checked in with a entry. I DO NOT agree with his view but I do thank you Anonymous for giving me something to read. I hope more of the guys will check in with their thoughts soon.

I'll be I tap my fingers on my desk....

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for this space to share ideas and comments about the discussions at the meetings. :) I was [very] late to the last meeting, but my thoughts on the question posted here are that yes, I do think we can love others even if we have trouble loving ourselves. I think this is so because as humans, we have the capacity to care for others sincerely and truly want in our hearts what is best for those we love. With that said, I also believe that the extent of our love, or specifically our capacity to love others, is limited when we cannnot love ourselves as well. I think this is so because if we cannot love ourselves honestly, that is to say loving ourselves for who we truly are (warts and all and not in an unrealistic, narcissistic manner), it can be difficult to develop this same type of unconditional love for others. Love isn't about achieving perfection; it's about accepting, sharing, learning, and growing. If we can accept another person's faults, mistakes, and weaknesses, we should also try to accept these things in ourselves as well. Don't others accept these things in us most of the time? By doing so I believe we open our hearts to a deeper level of understanding and empathy for others, which can thus bloom into love.
That's my 2-cents worth. And while these are my views, I'm also very much a work in progress when it comes to putting them into practice in my own life. :) But I try to do so every day. Hasta luego!

Anonymous said...

Yo quiero opinar de este tema. Creo que el amor tiene mucho que ver con la belleza que se encuentra en el interior de uno, donde nadie se da cuenta y pocos los que la encuentra. Es un regalo de Dios porque el cuerpo envejece como una flor cuando se marchita pero el interior sigue intacto con la ayuda de Dios. Gracias y saludos a todos.

Anonymous said...

For me, the most touching moment of our discussion of the topic of love came when we were sharing about what people we knew who most personified love. Several of us mentioned the recently deceased Tammy Faye, who was remarkable for emerging from the televangelist world as such a prominent spokesperson of love for all LGBTs. She manifested her gift of love even during her final days of much suffering. She touched many of us and will be remembered lovingly.

Anonymous said...

Even Caligula and Sadam loved, their own way, of course, and to make matters worst (this is for you spanish speaking people)

" Os Ama Bin laden"

Anonymous said...


I love that one..

Os Ama Bin Ladden

Anonymous said...

Love is the driving force of life & I like to think of it as human nature. I can't find a simple definition that can apply to this emotional concept, but based on my personal experiences I have built my own perception.
For those interested: Love is mutual. I love my God because I know he loves me. Love is unconditional. I would give my life for my little boy (referring to a month year old, not a boyfriend.) My father never showed physical affection, but it never crossed my mind that he didn't love me. All I remember is him coming home from a hard day's work and still having the energy to go outside and play ball. His love was not expressed by buying me the latest gadgets or toys, but by providing me with a shelter and food on the table. When it comes to relationships (ugh! guys...): Once again - I feel love is mutual. In other words, it takes two! Maybe this is just my justification for not believing the words, "You are the love of my life" after a couple of dates, but when you get to know someone you are dating, YOU DECIDE what you like about them. YOU DECIDE if you will find the fact that he chews with his mouth open charming or disgusting; his laugh captivating or repugnant; overall if you find him loveable or likeable. This is what seperates lust and love. Regardless, love is about sacrifice. Everyone will find how much will they sacrifice depending on how much they love the individual. My father sacrificed his time and effort in working to support his family. Like every man out there he had the opportunity to spend his money on bars/alcohol or girls. If I ever do fall in love with a man, I will sacrifice my party time & other things I find pleasing to myself in order to spend it with him.
I feel you cannot be in love with someone else if you don't love yourself.
So backing my statements up: If love is about sacrafice...what can you possibly do when it comes to loving youself? The way I see it is doing simple things like taking care of yourself. Sacrafice your cravings for ice cream and hit the gym instead. Volunteer your time at a hospital or church for as little as 4 hours a week as oppose to working at a minimum paying job for the same amount of time. Read a book! Attend a class! Vitalize the body & mind (without using Red Bull that is)!